Pretty ingenious piece of equipment, most of which appears to be made with
PVC plumbing components.
>Several weeks ago, I discovered a Yellow Jacket nest in my back yard. I
>kept a wary eye on it, but worried that my lawn maintenance guy might
>get stung.
>On Friday, the local newspaper, The Tullahoma News, ran an article on a
>Winchester, TN resident who traps Yellow Jackets, Hornets, and Guinea
>Wasps, and freezes them, eventually packing them in dry ice and shipping
>them to the lab of AKL Source Material in Pennsylvania. There, the
>venom sacs are extracted by hand and used to create anti-venom. I gave
>him a call and told him about my nest. He arrived yesterday afternoon
>as I was watching a football game.
>I decided to document the process.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: