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Re: [OM] Monet Refuses the Operation

Subject: Re: [OM] Monet Refuses the Operation
From: Bob Whitmire <fujixbob@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 11:13:50 -0500
I wonder--without expending the energy to look it up, knowing someone here
will do it <g>--if there is not a subtle difference of meaning between
background and back story. If I recall correctly, back story is a term
derived from television/movies, and denotes a tangential or parallel story
of lesser significance than the primary narrative. It is background in a
way, but it's also a smidgen more than that. Or am I thinking of the A and
B story formula used for sitcoms?

Hum. Having looked up the two despite the above, I find the definitions
very similar, downright interchangeable. In addition, I find noted the
first use of back story in 1984, lending credence to the assertion it's one
of those new fangled, fancy sounding terms serving no discernible purpose
other than to annoy people who love language. <g>

--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal

On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 1:24 AM, ChrisB <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> That poem is rather lovely, Moose.  That link is useful, Jez, although the
> images didn’t load for me.
> I’ve visited his house at Giverny and it is a beautiful place; we stayed
> not far away, on the river at Les Andelys, a place on the apex of a meander
> of the Seine.  It was a thoroughly peaceful and restful place to be.
> Chris
> (I do hate the term “back story”, though.  “Background” was useful enough
> and less ugly.)
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