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Re: [OM] it's been a long time

Subject: Re: [OM] it's been a long time
From: Richard Lovison <rlovison@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 12:41:49 -0500

On 1/25/2016 12:55 AM, Moose wrote:

Sounds about right. We are often out in the woods on one side of the continent or other, between or excursions around the West in our Turtle and a month in New England each fall. I don't think we had our Turtle when you were last here? <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=California/Marin%2C_Sonoma%2C_Mendocino_Coast/Albion&image=_MG_9139ia.jpg>

No, I don't recall seeing that vehicle. Can you sleep in it?

If I had a stable of 4/3 lenses, I would certainly have an E-M1. The PDAF makes all the difference for those lenses. OTOH, I wouldn't be looking for an E-M1 just now. There's an Oly announcement of a new camera supposedly due Wednesday*, and a rumor of another "big" announcement soon thereafter. Should that be an E-M1 II, Mark I prices, new and used, should go down. Or if the Mark II has the promised fast version of their HR tech introduced on the E-M5 II, it would be yet another step out ahead of anything anybody else is making.

Thanks for the heads up.
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