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[OM] Flowers of the day with 35mm

Subject: [OM] Flowers of the day with 35mm
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 04:57:08 +1300

Recently I bought an E-3 using ebay and from Japan. 

It was an
overcast day today with wonderful light, so I tried it on a climbing
plant at our back door with the DZ 35mm, firstly at f/8, then at f/3.5.
Sharpening applied @ 14 USM in FastStone, but the images are pretty
sharp in-camera. The f/8 shot is cropped.

http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=19452 , and the next to
the right. 

I'm pleased with my purchase. ( Converting the in-camera
language from Japanese to English helped !) 


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