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Re: [OM] BAG Schnozz

Subject: Re: [OM] BAG Schnozz
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2015 18:26:06 -0600
Round one of the bag pack game complete--proof of concept.

I work very modular, meaning that I can switch out camera bodies or
individual lenses in a heartbeat to meet any particular need. But I
wanted to give an idea of how I've got the bag configured at this

Olympus E-3 with 14-42 attached.
Panasonic L1 with body cap (spare or for second lens or
whatever--including WiFi application).
E-System 40-150 zoom lens.
OM Zuiko 50/1.4 with adapter.

I've got a spot in the bag that will take either a 300mm lens or a
Vivitar 285. At the moment, I've got the Vivitar and Flashbender
sitting in there. If I expect a situation where I won't use flash, but
need the 300mm instead, it's just a simple task to swap it out. And
the flash could go where the Panasonic L1 is sitting.

One end pocket has chargers in in, the other my mini binoculars. The
front pocket can hold both the Sekonic meter and my giant cellphone.
There is even space still inside for the iPAD if I choose to carry it
with me.

There are still a bunch of other places to stuff things. It is very flexible.

All that said, I would say that the Tenba Messenger Small would have
been the best choice for me if it had just one more inch. That's all
it was missing was just one stinking inch.

In trying out different configurations, here is what I can do with an OM Kit:

OM-body with ANY lens across the top
Five or Six additional lenses including the 300/4.5

That's JUST the main compartment.

I'm normally not one for stacking equipment on top of each other
inside the bag, but the Kata inserts are designed almost perfectly for
it and totally addresses my issues with stacking. Tenba was close, but
didn't have the flexibility for wider than normal items other than
just one spot.

Ken Norton
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