Nice image, Michael. I suspect that the propeller is turning around
2000 rpm, or 33 revolutions per second. That, when combined with the
shutter speed selected by the iPhone, results in the capture of multiple
I observed something similar when photographing a passing car beneath a
sodium vapor street light, which has a high frequency flicker.
Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
On 12/4/2015 8:35 AM, Michael R. Collins wrote:
The iPhone "shutter" can produce an interesting effect with some
moving objects; perhaps it's model-dependent. Here's something I
didn't anticipate, and have not really thought through what the cause
might be:
Straight out of the expensive-camera-with-a-free-phone-attached.
On 15-12-03 12:26 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
As I said to Moose, in other words perhaps, is that I don't look at the
iPhone or its photos the same way I look at photos from more traditional
cameras. It's its own little beastie. (Language Police please note
consecutive use of It's/its.)
Lightroom now includes distortion correction for the iPhone 6. I like to
process my phone shots in the phone, so I'm still checking on ways to
eliminate distortion, or at least the distortion I can see.
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: