The iPhone "shutter" can produce an interesting effect with some moving
objects; perhaps it's model-dependent. Here's something I didn't
anticipate, and have not really thought through what the cause might be:
Straight out of the expensive-camera-with-a-free-phone-attached.
On 15-12-03 12:26 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
As I said to Moose, in other words perhaps, is that I don't look at the
iPhone or its photos the same way I look at photos from more traditional
cameras. It's its own little beastie. (Language Police please note
consecutive use of It's/its.)
Lightroom now includes distortion correction for the iPhone 6. I like to
process my phone shots in the phone, so I'm still checking on ways to
eliminate distortion, or at least the distortion I can see.
--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: