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Re: [OM] Bag Man I [was Aaaah, A lesson relearned [was Loch Tay]]

Subject: Re: [OM] Bag Man I [was Aaaah, A lesson relearned [was Loch Tay]]
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2015 10:32:15 -0600
> A fine illustration, Moose, thanks.  I might be able to put two Fuji bodies 
> inside.

Yes. AGreed.

My only issue with Moose's bag, which might be addressed and I'm not
seeing it, is the nose-down orientation. This puts the lenses on a
potential collision course with disaster. If the bag is dropped or
encounters a sudden decrease in vertical velocity, the lens will
absorb the brunt of the impact and my break internally. I've had this
happen before. But is may not be an issue given the light weight of
the camera itself. In my camera bags, I usually have my lenses stored
vertically, but without a camera on top of them. The camera sits in
the bag not nose down. Either on the camera bottom or on the left

Thanks for the reminder that I should start keeping an eye out for a
new camera bag one of these years. Canon bag #2 is already showing
signs of wearing out and my last decent shoulder bag is starting to
shed ballistic nylon like a molting bird. It's ONLY 21 years old.

Maybe I should buy my camera bags from Apple. Five years and you just
throw them away.

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