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Re: [OM] Hurricane Patricia Aftermath

Subject: Re: [OM] Hurricane Patricia Aftermath
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 25 Oct 2015 15:41:57 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
>I'm at a loss as to how this is going to go. The models for North
>America are completely divergent past three days. If you look at the
>500mb plots and the surface plots, you'll see that it makes no sense.

     It may be that the remnants are being sheared, which would make sense due 
to the close proximity to the advancing cold front.

     We had a strong storm come up the Gulf of California years ago with 
similar results.  The top half sheared off and dissipated over the Sierra Madre 
Occidental, while the lower half dissipated over Baja.  An NHC forecaster 
stated that it was a classic case of shearing.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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