I’m not sure that anything can out-turn the F16 when similarly loaded, Chris.
They might have similar performance, and there might be some variation at lower
speeds (because of alpha limiters etc . . .) but the performance of these
aircraft is limited by the person inside.
I remember that F14 drivers used to boast that they could fly at lower speeds
than the F16, but then who wants to get slow in a fight?
It’s a “Rafale” by the way.
> On 24 Sep 15, at 23:03, Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It reminds me too much of the "Lead Sled" F-4. That was a very heavy
> fighter. The current F-16 is very light compared to the F-4, and it has a
> good turn radius. But, the Israeli Kafir and the French Rafael can both
> outturn it.
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