Thanks Chuck,
I have been playing with the clarity slider but couldn't get it to look
right, I will try your technique
On 26/06/15 02:59, Chuck Norcutt wrote:
I think they're worthy but will need some more cooking to be
competitive. Since seeing Ken's magnificent gate I've developed a
simple little formula that makes a pretty good cooker (but, of course,
not like Ken's). I first pull the highlights down and then push the
whitepoint back to the right. I play with the shadows and blackpoint
a bit to see what effect that has on the image. I then run the
clarity slider up as high as it will go without grossing out the image
(this one does wonders for your hazy mountains). If that's not enough
start diddling with the vibrance and saturation controls but use with
care. If there's some particular color that weak or overdone then go
to the saturation controls by color band.
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