The I didn't see mentioned, or maybe I missed it, why would you want to
skimp on equipment if you don't have to? Your largest investment is in time
and travel. Why gamble that one or two preselected items will be exactly
what you need in the field? I go lightly here, because I can run back for a
replacement or replacements. Not what I did when I was days, or nautical
miles from a supply source! Go Tina!
On May 28, 2015 11:26 AM, "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Tina wrote:
> > There was no reason not to carry both since I was not
> > hiking with the backpack. After 40 years and 67 countries, I know what I
> > am doing.
> Yup. I would agree. I really like your selection and it makes a lot of
> sense. It's a modular approach which allows you to adapt to the
> changing needs of the assignment. I've always struggled with dual
> systems. It was either medium format and 35mm or 35mm and digital.
> Either way, it was necessary to pack dual systems for a major
> car-based trip. Same for weddings.
> Like Tina, I tend to have several levels of kit. At the moment, my kit
> is a mess with two new arrivals, but it is actually pretty simple:
> Kit 0: This is the Uberkit. A pair of the biggest bags I have loaded
> down with complete sets of equipment. Essentially nothing left behind.
> I use this when doing a road trip and I've got the space. Also
> included is a smaller bag for actually going away from the car.
> Kit 1: This is a backpack style kit. It usually contains two cameras
> and up to five lenses. If I'm travelling with only one bag, this is my
> bag. It's either the Canon 200EG or the Slingbag. The Canon bag if
> using OMs, the Slingbag if using digital cameras. The Canon bag is the
> preference. When running hybrid with digital and film, I use this kit.
> Kit 2: This is a smallish shoulder bag. I bought it 21 years ago and
> it's still going strong. One camera body and up to four lenses or so.
> I use this when I'm using only digital or only film and can get away
> with a single bag. This is the kit bag that always comes along with
> Kit 0.
> Kit 3: This is a small one camera body, two lens bag. It's small,
> light and just slightly larger than a neverready case. I can stuff an
> E-3, 14-42, 40-150, charger, spare battery and memory card, lens
> cleaner and my car keys in it. If film, it carrys an OM body and two
> lenses. (my lenses of choice right now are the 28/2 and 100/2). All
> school events and family shoots are with this kit.
> Kit 4: One camera with one lens. No bag.
> Kit 5: Cellphone
> When doing an equivalent to Tina's trips, I would usually narrow
> things down to two bodies and a medium selection of lenses with a
> spare camera stored away. Two cameras in active use with different
> lenses and sufficient overlap of lenses to accomodate any loss or
> failure of a lens or body. I really like her use of Leicas and they
> make so much sense. While the bodies aren't exactly the smallest
> around (OM bodies are smaller), the lenses are. The combined kit is
> marvelous.
> My next tightly wound trip will be with two OM bodies. The OM-3Ti and
> an OM-4T. one in active use, the other stored as a backup. Three
> lenses, tops. Probably the 24/2.8, 50/1.4 and 100/2. And a wad of B&W
> film. Or maybe two lenses: 28/2 and 100/2.
> AG Schnozz
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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