Challenge accepted...:)
I am still going to do what I said I am going to do. I am going to scan them
using my camera first. Then send The Silvernosed a few.
I know that whatever he would do, would turn out better than mine, but I doubt
it would be, because of the equipment used...I have been edumicating myself and
learned something that pleasantly surprised me:
My co-worker, the Olympus fanatic, put me on a tangent and I revisited the
dpreview of my camera. I then messed around further and found out that...
...wait for it...
Only one camera is marginally capable of taking better quality daylight images
than mine and that is...
...wait for it...
...a full frame camera. Granted, the other full frames redeem themselves when
it comes to low light by a healthy margin.
I am going to use that Sony sensor to my advantage, but I would also like to
know at the end what you did, AG. How you achieved the results and why you took
that route.
I would be also interested to know if you are going to apply the method that
Dave sent us with regards the bypassing the "orangy mask" of the film.
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Willie Wonka <alienspecimen@xxxxxxxxx>; Olympus Camera Discussion
Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2015 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] Good News
Wilie Wonka wrote:
> I googled the film...:), but I also wanted to pick AG's brain, coz he can
> tell me in three sentences more than the whole Net in ten years.
Wait for it...
> Now I got this idea...what if I used my enlarger? Just prop the camera
> underneath with a lens straight up, stick the film holder with the film in
> the slot, turn it on, and focus on the film? Then take the picture.
I've been there done that. Not very workable. You end up with a
hot-spot, as well as lost of contrast. You can correct for the
trapazoid, but there are just too many other issues involved. I've
gotten it to work once with tremendous grief.
Three sentence solution:
1. Package up the negatives in a FedEx box.
2. Label box with my address and schedule the pickup.
3. Enclose check with negatives in FedEx box for $2.50 per negative
Ken Norton
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: