The "best" I mean is something easy accessable at reasonable cost and
quality. The Epson V700 or V800 is available new and rather affordable
especailly if you can get one from Japan. 9000ED may be better but already
phase out. Talking about Nikon it always remind me about the flare problem,
it is not perfect either. There is always better scanner available if you
are willing to pay.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hudson" <OM4T@xxxxxxxxxxx>
CH .............. are you suggesting that scanning colour negatives with a
flat bed scanner is preferable to using a dedicated film scanner? My Nikon
Super Coolscan 900 ED has always done sterling service with 35mm b/w and
colour, both negs and slides, and 6x7 m/f negatives and I have a difficult
time believing that a flat bed scanner could do better.
On 5/4/2015 9:09 PM, C.H.Ling wrote:
All old negatives have certain amount of color fading, it may not easy to
restore the color with optical printing process. Scanning the negs with a
good flatbed is the best way, my Epson 4870 do a fine job with MF
negatives. (Bronica, SQA with 645
back, 150mm?).
Scaning color negs with digital camera is difficult to get the color
right. After hundreds of scans I still prefer to use scanner.
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