Thanks, Jim.
I have some more Memphis photos when I get through them. That goose was
essentially a hand-held 600mm equivalent... impressed the heck out of me
that it turned out sharp.
On Tue, Apr 14, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The Memphis images are nice.
> You really nailed that goose!
> Jim Nichols
> Tullahoma, TN USA
> On 4/14/2015 1:03 PM, Paul Braun wrote:
>> Sheri and I were in Memphis the second half of last week. Actually,
>> Tunica,
>> MS. She played at the casino while I took the rental car and drove to
>> Memphis to hang out with my music buddies.
>> There are quite a few pix up - instead of posting individual links, just
>> go
>> here:
>> All of the photos on the first page are from the recent trip, and if you
>> go
>> to Page 2, the first four.
>> Memphis is a great town if you like music and BBQ. Fortunately, I like
>> both. I'm a huge fan of both rock'n'roll and soul music, something that
>> Memphis is definitely known for.
>> Ken, you'll like the studio gear porn shots.
>> The top four on this page:
>> php?g2_itemId=2909
>> are also from Memphis. I met our friend Gwen for lunch on Thursday and she
>> suggested a soul food diner in the neighborhood around the Stax Museum. I
>> had a late breakfast, so I opted for dessert, which turned out to be a
>> piece of warm sweet-potato pie that is quite possibly the best piece of
>> pie
>> I've eaten. I convinced our waitress and the cashier to let me take their
>> photos. It helps to have a friend who's a native and knows where it's safe
>> to go and where it isn't - there is still a lot of racial unrest in
>> Memphis, and a lot of urban decay. This restaurant is in a neighborhood
>> where I would not have considered stopping. However, Gwen said it was
>> fine,
>> and actually knew our waitress. Glad she did.
>> Sheri and I at at The Arcade - not only Memphis' oldest restaurant (opened
>> in 1919), but was also one of Elvis' favorite diners. The decor really
>> hasn't changed since the 50's, so while a lot of modern diners try to
>> re-create that feel, the Arcade comes by it honestly. Elvis' favorite
>> booth
>> was already occupied, so we had to sit next to it. I asked our waitress to
>> pose with the counter area behind her.
>> I also took the time to stop at the Sirius satellite radio studio on the
>> grounds of the Graceland visitors' center across the street from Graceland
>> proper. Every afternoon Memphis legend George Klein co-hosts a show on the
>> Elvis Radio satellite channel. GK is truly a brodcasting legend in town,
>> and was also a close friend of Elvis since they went to 8th grade
>> together.
>> GK wasn't one of the enablers - he was a true friend. Elvis was the best
>> man at his wedding. However, I didn't stop to talk Elvis with him. The
>> late
>> Jimi Jamison was a friend to both of us, and I had seen GK speak at Jimi's
>> memorial. So, we stood there for 10 minutes or so and shared stories of
>> our
>> friend. The photo is of GK and his co-host Jim Sykes in the studio. I had
>> forgotten that GK wears a gold ring that Elvis gave him for one of his
>> birthdays... damn. I can now visualize a closeup of timeworn hands folded
>> over each other, with that ring up top.... Maybe next time I'm there and
>> if
>> I get a chance to meet the man again.
>> And finally... we've had wonderful weather around here, and the Canada
>> geese have stopped off on their migration route for some hanky-panky,
>> egg-laying, and family building. This one is nesting along the shore of
>> the lake here at work. I walked out there after work yesterday, and
>> actually used that 75-300 cranked all the way out, handheld, and got this
>> shot. I was far enough away that she didn't raise a ruckus, which would
>> have alerted her husband sleeping nearby. He's not very sociable.
>> Enjoy. C&C encouraged.
> --
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Paul Braun WD9GCO
Certified Music Junkie
"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life." -- Berthold Auerbach
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