But now it doesn't look like dawn which was the whole point to me.
I have fallen into the trap, again, of trying to adjust my photos to please
everyone. I will never get through 16,000 edits at this rate. Right now,
all I am doing is going through the photos as quickly as I can and
selecting those which might merit more detailed work later. I hit Auto in
LR to get in the ballpark. LR adjustments are non-destructive and I can go
back to the untouched photo at any time. I post the ones I am considering
and hope for comments on the content and/or composition. Anything to do
with white balance, exposure, lifting shadows, suppressing highlights,
contrast, spotting, sharpening can and will be done much later, after I
have finished all of the editing.
Maybe I should just post the photos straight from LR with no adjustments at
all? Or maybe I should just not post them at all. It's too discouraging
and demoralizing.
Thank you,
On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 6:54 AM, philippe.amard <philippe.amard@xxxxxx>
> I was wondering why the combo didn't deliver what it should have and may
> have found the WB to be the main cause.
> Please view this before/after screenshot.
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/d/407159-1/Image+1.png
> And I went a little further although starting from the jpeg
> http://gallery.leica-users.org/v/Phileica/Playground/Image+2.png.html
> I think that editing from the RAF would work wonders
> Hope this helps
> Philippe
> One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to
> the eye. Antoine de Saint Exupéry in Le Petit Prince.
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