It's not only happening in the states, last October my youngest was
playing in on the beach at the tides edge, he was loving this and very
happy with me watching from a short distance, I was then asked "is that
your little girl" before she added " you shouldn't let her play there
she must be soaking wet " she said some other comments before I just
shrigged and replied "but he is enjoying it", I guess hse hadn't noticed
the waterproof trousers and didn't know the van was therewith a change
of clothes to warm him up should he need to be.
Then this trip poor little Luc was at it again this time jumping along
the big boulders that form flood protection on the sea front when
another elderly lady took my wife to task for letting him do such
dangerous activity and he may fall.
IanW - back from wales, busy at work but I just had to comment on the
helicopter parenting especially as our kids are capable of walking to
school alone from the age of 4 onwards (ok they have to wear HIVIZ and
have correct instructions on dealing with strangers, plus there are
usually other kids walking with them - Mind you I still worry a bit as
years ago I read of the case of a 4 year old walking to school in
Zuerich when he was attacked and killed by two Rottweilers that had
escaped) - some photos coming soon from my recent holiday in Wales taken
with the XT-1 they lent me
Chuck Norcutt <mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
7 February 2015 19:59
It all reminded me of this story
Our world has gone a little (maybe a lot) wacko.
Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: