It's a common scam. I saved one of my Florida senior citizen neighbors
from that scam a year or two ago. She wasn't sure what to do but, since
I happened to be handy, she thought to ask me first.
Chuck Norcutt
On 1/23/2015 2:11 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
I might move up from my Neanderthal status to my Lapsed Druid
credentials. Druids enclosed people in cages of green wood and
suspended them over fire pits. Bloody awful, truth to tell, but then
so are phishers and anyone who seeks to prey on those at a
disadvantage. My dental hygienist was telling me this morning there’s
a local scam involving people calling, purporting to be from
Microsoft, and advising victims they have issues with their computers
and need a fix—but first, we need some information. . .
She’s not a terribly reliable source, so I don’t know how much of
this is true.
--Bob Whitmire Certified Neanderthal
On Jan 23, 2015, at 2:00 PM, Chuck Norcutt
<chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So, what should you do as a proper Neanderthal? Burn them at the
stake? Then you could keel-haul them to put the fire out if the
bodies are still smoldering.
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