At 1/20/2015 07:41 PM, Martin Walters wrote:
>The principal irritant is that every time I click on a site using the https
>protocol, I get a message that " You have asked Firefox to connect securely to
>, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure. Normally, when
>you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to
>prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity
>can't be verified.the connection is untrusted and the certificate." I get
>similar messages from IE stating that "The security certificate presented by
>this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority." Clearly, the
>issue is browser independent.
Just a suggestion. Some anti-virus programs in order to monitor web traffic for
malicious content, will subvert you ssl connection. That is, the anti-virus
will present to the browser it's own certificate, so it can decrypt the
traffic, and use a second certificate to connect to the site. It's possible the
browser is catching the deception.
Take a look at for more information under HTTPS
Interception Detection.
For what its worth, I have Kaspersky, which has this feature (although you can
disable it) but have not seen the problem. I also have ad block plus, ghostery,
and noscript plugins. Noscript I disable most of its features though.
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