I won't dive into the discussion of upload speeds. I've already drawn
the wrath of the "Net Neutrality" crowd this week.
However, on the subject of stock image sales, mine are finally
starting to pick up again. It's been a long long time since I've seen
a payment big enough to actually buy anything.
Over the past year, I had one image sell nine times, another four
times, and a couple other twice. But the big kahuna was last month
when the payment was very substantial for a shot that was taken back
nine years ago. And the $100 bill picture is getting action too, but
we're still within the cancellation period for usage on that one, so
I'm not counting the kittens there till they're hatched.
Options: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/listinfo/olympus
Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/