That’s a kind and comforting thought, Ian.
I worked on the Eurofighter programme in the mid-90s and there were many
challenges to making the platform a success. But after being shown around the
machine (for the first time ever) by a young pilot, just out of the conversion
unit, I’m convinced that it’s a smashing and highly effective multi-role
fighter. It’s the first RAF fighter, that I know of, that can takeoff safely
in dry power (“mil”). I watched them do so before climbing at very impressive
I saw one display at RIAT several years ago, but he very nearly died when he
performed a low-speed gear down barrel roll at low level. Only the stupendous
engines got him away from the ground safely.
On 25 Sep 2014, at 16:54, Ian Nichols <ian.a.nichols@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That's an interesting (and complimentary) variation on the old saw about
> those who can, doing and those who can't, teaching. Just because you can't
> do it anymore doesn't mean you never could, and the youngsters can learn a
> lot from your experience.
> Saw one of those displaying at Southport last Saturday. Pretty impressive
> for height-limited display (it was rather murky).
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: