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Re: [OM] Broken mac was Re: Somewhat OT: Computer Clock Management

Subject: Re: [OM] Broken mac was Re: Somewhat OT: Computer Clock Management
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 13:42:08 +0200
Thanks Chris, My mac has had incremental upgrades over the years from the original 4 to 8 and now and it has 16GB Ram of faster speed for a while now, I ordered the upgraded CPU at purchase time and later read that when doing so they up specced the motherboard to run the next gerneration RAM. This was however why I suspect it may be the ram and not graphic card causing teh graphic isssues. Time will tell but for now I am happy not to need spend 3000 CHF for a new machine. This year is tighten belt year - I did moan about the stolen bonus to our head of HR but it fell on stony ground, I think they have underestimated the general resentment it has caused and it may come back to bite them - Technical businesses such as our are reliant on the technical staff and unlike HR, Finance and Managers you can't just replace technical staff with people from outside and expect them to be as productive - well not for a good while at least.

STOP PRESS Kerstin has just phoned to inform me that our lovely little boy Cai has managed to damage our new car which is just 2 weeks old by opening the audi door against it - at least it's Friday!

IanW -

On 15/08/2014 12:52, Chris Barker wrote:
You might be able to replace your current RAM with larger modules than were originally 
envisaged by Apple, Ian.  Several people of my acquaintance have ignored the "Max 
RAM" specs.


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