That's a pretty small sample size on which to base a sweeping
generalization of people. When multiple people recruited from
different areas of the country behave as you have described then I
think the problem is their management. They must have been
extremely unsatisfied to put up with such moving disruption in
their lives. I suspect management promised more than they could
deliver and not necessarily in salaries. In fact, salaries would
be the last problem I would suspect.
Actually, it was facially more sinister than that. They were
recruiting significant people from their competitors and then
benching them, effectively depleting the technical staff of their
competitors. The corporate culture inside that place would have made
a good suspense thriller. The people they recruit right out of
universities and tech schools saw that as being normal, and they took
that culture with them wherever they went. Myself, after growing up
in the army followed by active USAF duty, I knew much better, and I
was determined to retire at the age of 50 so I could better enjoy
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - Hunter S. Thompson