Nathan's question (concerning the size of his Fuji .raf files converted to Raw)
prompt me to ask, "why bother".
With Aperture, and probably its successor, I import new images to the Aperture
library, leaving the originals in my filing system (folders for each year)
where I can edit them (the versions, not the originals) and output them as I
desire: to a website, to email, to FB (rare), to Photobox for printing or to
the printer.
Why might I need to export them to .dng, or to any other image format? Does LR
not act in a similar way, with originals for reference and versions for use?
Aperture acts as my Raw file converter, providing previews immediately on
import, and digital asset manager (DAM) so that I can find my images easily.
Again, is LR not a similar application?
I know that Aperture is (apparently) on its way out, but I expect its
successor, Photos, to do something similar.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: