I spent yesterday lunchtime playing with the new X-T1 and the 55-200mm.
This was a mistake too many new things at once. I bought it mainly for
the weather sealing viewfinder (which may be good enough to play with my
OM lenses ) and dials, the dials it does very well and I don't think I
will ever need to go into a menu for normal shooting, well done Fuji!.
However at first use I don't like the ergonomics as much as the X-Pro1
although this may be in part to having the 55-200 lens mounted. I will
rectify that today and will use the camera with the 23mm which I am more
used to.
I think I need a grip but there are three size options, has anyone tried
one or all? and is there a case the grips work with?.
There are some nice features, the remote shutter release via iphone app
was a quick to set up and a pleasant surprise, I am not there yet with
picture quality (I only shoot RAW) so I still have some settings amiss -
I defaulted to using those of the X-Pro1 so maybe some fine tuning is
needed. I don't love the camera yet but I think it will grow on me.
I am having a little buyers remorse though and maybe should have sprung
for the 56mm instead of the 55-200 as I have gone away from zooms, they
are another variable to complicate the shooting process and the one
olympus lens that is missing from my dream set is the OM 50/1.2 but it
seems pointless to buy that lens now the fuji exists and it looks like I
will be shooting fuji for a while now.
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