Agreed if we were comparing the A200 to the A65. But my instructions
are to get the zoom lens on the A65 (which doesn't have a 50mm marking)
to produce the same size images as the 50mm prime on the A65. Apples to
ps: Measuring vertical on the A200 doesn't work either. The only valid
measure when comparing two different formats at the same equivalent
focal length is across the diagonal to measure field of view or directly
measuring the size of an object in the field of view. When the diagonal
is the same size neither of the other two sides of the right triangle
can also be the same. I got fooled by that one myself when I first
tried to compare the A200 and A65 images.
Chuck Norcutt
On 6/19/2014 3:21 PM, Moose wrote:
Set the camera up with 50mm prime in the house on a tripod and then
focus on something like a yardstick and note the length of the
yardstick that's visible. Then install the kit lens and adjust the
zoom until you see the same view. Put a little mark on the focal
length scale. You should see the full width of the yard stick
(horizontally) at about 6.5 feet.
No, not horizontal. A65 is 3:2 format, A200 4:3 format. to make things
the same 'size', measure the vertical. Diagonal may work, but is a pain
to do and leaves both to be cropped slightly. Vertical works.
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