> Although the histogram tells me there's red clipping and your modified image
> tells me there's lots of "pure white" (red = 255) my eyes only see a very
> pleasant backlit but still very red image. My eyes say, "ain't white, ain't
> pink", just bright red. Good enough for me.
Yes. And since there is non-saturated texture within the highlight
areas, it looks pretty good. Especially for on-screen display. For a
fine print, I might have to work a little bit to preserve more nuance
> ps: Your unblown reds here
> <http://zone-10.com/tope2/main.php?g2_itemId=12473> are fine but look dark
> in comparison. They do not proclaim "backlit".
Agreed. These look quite dismal to me. While the texture is maintained
throughout the highlight areas, the highlight areas are so depressed
that it has no life left in it. It's kinda like when somebody won't
let chrome highlights clip.
Ken Norton
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