I sometimes am asked by my partner's grand-daughter if she can
borrow one of my cameras, usually if she is going to a party or some
outdoors event. She is notoriously careless in all ways ( easy come,
easy go attitude), and she has never shown any interest in how to look
after or use a conventional camera of any kind. So I always say "no".
Her birthday is soon, so I thought I'd see what kind of camera I could
get her - no other gift idea crossing my mind. I mean, what can you
reasonably get a kid who is spoiled rotten and is interested only in
girly things?
I found this on Trademe
and I've
just been testing it. It arrived yesterday. $25NZ all up. Less than the
Ansel Adams book !!
Maggie had had a very nice Kodak easyshare camera
which was great until aforementioned grandaughter felt guilty when
playing with it, and when she wanted to close it up after turning it on,
shoved the auto-close lens back into the body. The finger-print is still
there on the lens. Needless to say, that camera is munted. So then
Easyshare camera fleet was worth looking at. This camera actually takes
reasonably acceptable photos. Better than the iPod she has and which she
uses all the time (but not allowed to take to parties etc - she has
already cracked the screen once). Total machine replaced under warranty
Should do her for a year or two ... until disaster strikes.
are several reviews in the 'net, if you are interested.
Options: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/listinfo/olympus
Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/