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[OM] At the Museums

Subject: [OM] At the Museums
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 17:01:04 -0400 (EDT)
Here is what Smugmug said---no real change from  last I checked with 
them a couple years ago:

"Hi Mike,

Thanks for contacting SmugMug. At this time, sRGB is still the only 
colorspace that most browsers can accurately reproduce (and some don't 
even technically reproduce sRGB correctly). You will never get a single 
image to display the same way across all browsers, as different 
browsers handle colorspace differently (so don't even bother trying).

Most browsers are not aware of other color profiles and cannot 
accurately display images in other color profiles other than sRGB. This 
is one reason why SmugMug converts Adobe RGB files to sRGB. Another 
reason is because when prints are made, sRGB most closely matches the 
gamut of color that is possible to reproduce. Technically, Adobe RGB 
has "more" colors, but since your browser can't accurately reproduce 
them, and traditional photographic prints can't really reproduce those 
either, sRGB is best for displaying online and for printing.

SmugMug won't likely change this, until browsers become colorspace 
aware, and can accurately reproduce colors of Adobe RGB or other 
colorspace files.

I hope this helps, but please let us know if there's anything else we 
can do to help. Thank you, and have a great day!


I trust Moose's evaluaiton over them, but not much one can do if uses 
Smugmug for some images.
Sighing MIke

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