Wikipedia has a good overview and a list of BusyBox's implemented commands,
Moose. It's here:
Mostly though, you're going to need unix/linux commands like:
ls - which lists contents of a folder
cp - which copies a file
mv - which moves a file
mkdir - which makes a directory
rm - which removes a file
rmdir - which removes a directory
However, in BusyBox commands such as the above are given as arguments to
the /bin/busybox executable, not standalone as given in unix and/or linux.
Command details are here:
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As I said, I ordered a RavPower WD01 WiFi storage thingie at the same time
> as the iPad Mini.
> It's a multi-purpose device that can act as a WiFi router, act as WiFi
> storage using SD cards and USB mass storage
> devices, including powering portable HDDs, stream video to mobile devices,
> transfer files back and forth between
> attached storage and WiFi attached devices and recharge mobile devices
> from it's own battery.
> It seems everyone else who has one uses it to stream video, often to
> multiple devices at once, so I assume that works.
> Although it has native apps for iThingies and Android, it may also be
> operated via a web browser, so will work with
> pretty much anything.
> My particular interest is in copying image files from SD cards to a
> portable HDD.
> It does do what it claims. I can insert an SD card, connect a HDD, and see
> files on both in it's app/browser interface.
> The file management app is still rather opaque to me, but it appears that:
> It will copy files directly from one to the other internally.
> Copying only the new day's files, without having to individually select
> them, probably isn't happening.
> A reviewer on Amazon revealed that the little box runs BusyBox Unix. I was
> able to Telnet into it and do a file/device
> listing. This looks like it will be the best way to do my copying. Also,
> it allows one to start the process and
> disconnect, leaving it running, then telnet in to check progress/done.
> Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about Unix commands.
> It looks like the reviewer cleaned off his cards every day. So the copy
> was simple, but there was only the one copy on
> the HDD, no duplication/backup.
> I'm guessing there's a way to create a new directory with the current date
> and copy only files with that date to it,
> either in a compound command or something akin to a DOS .bat file. That
> would make a lot more sense than just one big,
> undifferentiated mess of files from many dates and cameras.
> I'd certainly like to at least semi-automate the process. In DOS, I could
> just have a .bat file for each different camera.
> Any hints, links to good reference material, etc. from the Unix mavens
> here?
> U. Clueless Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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