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Re: [OM] Won't get fooled again

Subject: Re: [OM] Won't get fooled again
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 10:29:29 -0500
> What if Olympus released sketchy details of a REAL effort on the day when
> it would get the most circulation as a rumor?  Could they be so clever?  An
> inverse AFJ?

Well, there are a few things in that article which are obvious prank
items, but honestly, it would take me about 1/2000 of a second, as a
product manager, to approve such a camera based on the Sony A7R.

Think about it:

1. Sony pretty much owns the Olympus imaging division right now,

2. Manufacturers have, for years, done cameras for other brands.
Cosina being the top dog in that arena,

3. All you have to do is take the A7R and slap it in a slightly
reshaped body with a proper OM lens mount. The rest is software.

Alas, the real product managers are smarter than me and know exactly
what to produce to keep Olympus' Imaging Division losing money. Who am
I to question them?

So, this OM-G concept isn't far-fetched at all. It would be just a
matter of somebody signing off on it. But this is the same company
that gambled on real-estate, hid the losses, cratered the OM-5D and
forced Maitani into retirement. I wouldn't expect anything less than
total disregard to pursuing this camera concept.

On a positive note, I do very much love my Maitani designed OM system.
It will stay with me till I'm worm food.

Ken Norton
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