Le 25 mars 14 à 16:43, Ken Norton a écrit :
>> Expecting Texas or Oklahoma wildcatters to care about what they leave
>> behind in Pennsylvania or New York is a bit of a stretch. I support
>> fracking but only if there's effective regulation and very steep
>> penalities when the rules are broken... starting with paying
>> pre-drilling market value for any polluted properties as well as a 3X
>> price penalty to the owner (not the state)... all moneys to
>> maintained
>> in escrow. And no drilling starts until the base state of the land
>> is
>> known and agreed.
> I grew up in a community affected by Hooker Chemical Company. Probably
> explains a lot about me, about me, about me, about me...
> Fracking is actually a very brilliant technology. I am actually pretty
> impressed with it. However, there are assumptions made which just
> don't ring true and those assumptions make for some wonderful pithy
> responses from the oil/gas industry. First one is where the water
> table is in comparison to where the gas/oil is. That's all fine and
> dandy. 2000' of vertical separation seems like it should be good
> enough. But that assumes no vertical fissures in the layers between
> the two points. As we all know, fissures exist--especially if there is
> any limestone involved. That's why the fluids will bubble up to the
> SURFACE even.
> Another thing that I learned a zillion years ago,
> The oil guys are NOT like the gas guys. The gas guys are positively
> ruthless and run by a totally different set of ethics. Excuse the
> term, but the gas guys have a "scorched earth" mentality. The oil guys
> will come in, do their thing, keep impact to a minimum and actually
> clean up after themselves. The gas guys do their lease, destroy the
> land and then blame the landowner for being so picky.
> Evil people.
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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