In the long run we are all dead anyway.
I am all for green energy and all that, but realistically, for the next couple
of decades we will continue to depend on traditional energy sources. And given
that, I want to lesses the geopolitical consequences of that.
Nathan Wajsman
Alicante, Spain
On Mar 23, 2014, at 11:00 AM, philippe.amard@xxxxxx wrote:
> This is a short term view Nathan, on all counts I'm afraid :-(
> Amities
> Waste less want less Philippe
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> ========================================
> Message du : 23/03/2014 00:22
> De : "Nathan Wajsman " <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> A : "Olympus Camera Discussion" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Copie à :
> Sujet : Re: [OM] [OT] In case you hadn't heard....
> I think you mean fracking, not "tracking". If we in Europe are to have any
> chance at all to influence the behaviour of rogue states like Russia, then we
> must immediately start fracking on a big scale in places where shale oil is
> likely to exist, such as the UK or Poland. We must also discard the stupid
> antipathy against nuclear power. Otherwise, we will continue to depend on
> various nasty regimes for our energy and will need to continue to prostitute
> ourselves before the likes of Putin and various two-bit Central Asia
> dictators.
> Cheers,
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
> Alicante, Spain
> Blog:
> On Mar 22, 2014, at 11:45 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
>> For me it’s because scientists have to guess first to find stuff out, Brian.
>> And I don’t want to eat the results of someone’s guesswork, especially when
>> there is no good reason so to do. The idea of GM, as I understand it, is to
>> reduce the need for pesticides and to improve yields. But I heard some
>> years ago that the pesticide argument didn’t work, that farmers merely
>> became increasingly dependent on GM grain. And increasing yield does
>> nothing for taste or nutrition, again as I understand it.
>> I hold no antipathy towards scientist, applied or theoretical, but I
>> continue to resent the dominance of commercial interest in many scientific
>> endeavours: it pollutes the results or at least reduces our trust in those
>> results.
>> It’s a bit of a stretch, I think, to attach people’s resistance to tracking
>> to dependence on Russian energy: tracking has only recently been of interest
>> to the public (not only the green lobby, but people who are near the
>> threatened sites), whereas European dependence on energy has been increasing
>> as North Sea oil reserves have dwindled.
>> Where I really get irritated about tracking is if politicians start to use
>> the cost of energy as an argument for such exploration. It seems to be
>> pretty certain that any gas or oil that we find in the UK would merely be
>> fed into the whole market. My general objection to tracking is that a) we
>> must reduce our dependence on such energy, not grow ever more frantic and
>> destructive in our urgency to seek out more; b) that it would grossly
>> disfigure our landscape. If some of us worry now about the visual
>> deterioration of the countryside because of wind farms, just look at what
>> thousands of drilling sites would might do.
>> Finally, I accept that my criticism of science, Big Bang, GM or Higgs Boson
>> was generally polemical. But I remain seriously sceptical of wondrous
>> solutions that hit the press
>> Chris
>> On 22 Mar 2014, at 22:12, Brian Gray wrote:
>>> As a retired applied scientist, I have to support Andrew in this argument.
>>> Big
>>> bang theory seems a valid attempt to explain what happened although it
>>> cannot ex
>>> plain the ultimate 'why'. And no one to my knowledge has produced any
>>> weighty ar
>>> guments against GM foods in principle, however much one may regret some
>>> particul
>>> ar versions, and none of Chris' aeroplanes would have flown without pretty
>>> valid
>>> forms of aeronautical science. My pet gripe at the moment is the way that
>>> the
>>> 'green' lobby's activities over recent years against first nuclear power
>>> and, no
>>> w in Europe, fracking have potentially crippled the western response to
>>> events i
>>> n the Ukraine. Energy independence from Russia for Europe would be more
>>> immedia
>>> tely useful than the latest Typhoons and F16s.
>>> Returning to the original argument, having been brought up in NE England
>>> and sub
>>> sequently worked in Denmark for a while, I have always been interested in
>>> the wa
>>> y Tyneside slang and accents can resemble Danish words.
>> --
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