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Re: [OM] Mirrorless - circular or linear polarizer?

Subject: Re: [OM] Mirrorless - circular or linear polarizer?
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2014 07:49:52 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
>The recent discussion on circular polarizers caused me to ask myself 
>whether I really need an (expensive) circular polarizer on a mirrorless 
>camera.  With our now unimpeded sensors might we be able to go back to 
>the linear polarizers we used prior to beam-splitting autofocus or 
>beam-splitting metering systems?  So I looked up what Wiki has to say on 
>circular polarizers and found this:
>There are two types of polarizing filters readily available, linear and 
>"circular", which have exactly the same effect photographically. But the 
>metering and auto-focus sensors in certain cameras, including virtually 
>all auto-focus SLRs, will not work properly with linear polarizers 
>because the beam splitters used to split off the light for focusing and 
>metering are polarization-dependent. Linearly-polarized light may also 
>defeat the action of the Anti-aliasing filter (Low-pass filter) on the 
>imaging sensor.

     Now I underestand.  I had seen no photographic difference between linear 
and circular polirisers, so I dismissed them.


When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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