We have had 2 broods of PBDs in our (100% fenced-in) back yard over the
last couple of years.
We made the mistake of getting the wildlife people in the first time
around - well-meaning and kind people, but NO good at catching
ducklings, We ended up with one spare - who fledged & left on his(/her)
own accord some weeks later.
Second time around we put some grower crumble out daily and made sure
they had clean water to bath/dump in. they stayed about 6 weeks, Mum left
after a week or so. in the last 2 weeks I was hosing my concrete
I found it odd that they would come and eat almost within arms reach,
even when I was sawing wood or dremeling aluminium sheet, but would
scatter if I walked towards them. They did not like the sight of the
garden hose, or even lengths of tube or dowel (I was making telescopic
background support rods at the time)...
beautiful, albeit messy, creatures :) I'll have to 'extract the digit'
post a couple of duck shots in my (empty) zone-10 gallery.
On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 08:58:13AM +1100, Andrew Fildes wrote:
> It's more sensible to get chooks - ducks need water and they make a helluva
> mess compared to chickens.
> Muscovy ducks are more fun - they're really small geese to be accurate, have
> a lot of character and make excellent watchducks without all that silly
> honking.
> Andrew Fildes (been there, done that, have the beak and claw scars to prove
> it).
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