Yes, classic shell. And you can set it so it boots to the classic desktop.
IIRC you can alt-f4 out of all the pits I've fallen into.
And certainly want to set the file associations to sensible things to
avoid such crap as that viewer.
Go for it,
On 24/02/2014, Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I agree that Win8.1 on the tablet is very good. Only nit-pick is that my
> fingers are too fat and make crude tools. Got a little bluetooth mouse.
> However I just found out that they have stripped out the disk image
> function WTF?? Stil there on Win8 but buried deep. One has to drill down
> and pay attention to the fine print but it's still there. Good thing I
> found that out before I did the zombie update to 8.1 as Microsoft would
> have one do. Unfortunately I liked some of the improvements in 8.1. This
> is my wife's very nice HP laptop and she's fine with 8.0 so that's what
> matters.
> For my desktop Win7prox64 is pretty good for the foreseeable future. The
> Win8 start page is worse than bad on a desktop. Who is the idiot who
> thought my desktop should look like an iphone?? Were you referring to
> Classic Shell Jez? Downloaded but haven't tried yet.
>> Occasionally I fall into a Win8 hole and have to alt-f4 my way out.
> Been there but didn't know about alt-4. thanks! Does it work for that
> black pit of an image viewer? It keeps insisting on opening image files
> no matter what I think best.
> --
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