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Re: [OM] So, which Fuji body has the secret sauce???

Subject: Re: [OM] So, which Fuji body has the secret sauce???
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 19:39:13 +1100
It's a constant problem, from the days of shooting Nikon F and poking yourself 
in the eye when winding. I tend to drop the camera from my face to make thumb 
based adjustments as otherwise it's too cramped. The Leica M3 and some of the 
Voigtlander Bessa's are the best - two eyes open focussing so once I'd forced 
myself to use my right eye for the finder, perfect! (M3 - 0.92x view - not 
exact but good enough. Downhill from there. The CosVoigts have a 1:1 finder). I 
suppose the Exacta was the only true left hand SLR.
Andrew Fildes

The SLR Compendium: 
revised edition - 
The TLR Compendium

On 09/02/2014, at 10:22 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

> I just tried holding the E-M5 with my left eye at the left end of the 
> camera.  I realize that the Fuji has different control placements but 
> holding the E-M5 that way made it awkward to use the controls... hand 
> and wrist are at awkward angles.  Whatever the problems of being left 
> eyed and using a center finder camera, I adapted to it 50 years ago.

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