AG writes:
>>Impossible. The in-camera histogram is generated off of an in-camera
>>JPEG and also shows only the primary (RGB) colors....
Well not quite impossible for every cam. Some red dot cams have a raw
histo and any Canyon where one can
use Magic Lantern can display RAW histo and even RAW zebra mode so one
can tell exactly where the image is blown as well as the channel--can
to flash the appropriate color. If the hackers at ML can do it why not
Sonnie, Oly, Pana?
I had not remembered Velvia was better shot at 40. I would have thought
to shoot Velvia like a Sony sensor and 100 Ektar more like Canyon as
the shadows get muddy easily.
I hope I could still shoot exposures properly with Velvia. I still have
a bunch of Ektar to use though. Diigtal makes one lazy with exposure.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: