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Re: [OM] What would you buy?

Subject: Re: [OM] What would you buy?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 17:05:22 -0800
On 1/8/2014 3:47 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> Moose thus grunted:
>> As Ken says, there are a lot of really first rate ILCs available. Any of the 
>> basic sensor systems should please.
>> I'd start with lenses, then work back to cameras. (All FLs in 35 mm eq.)
>> Fuji's only normal range zoom is 27-84 mm. Not as long a range as you 
>> suggested, and would drive me crazy....
> Based on these statements, I'm MORE inclined to go with a Fujifilm
> XE-2 than anything else.

Yeah, yeah, but your opinion don't count, 'cause you never buy ANY of this 
stuff. You can posit that the stated desire 
for about 28-135 doesn't really matter for someone else. You can natter about 
what you would buy, if you ever bought 
anything but phone cameras, and change it every week or so, at no cost and with 
no actual picture taking consequences. :-)

> Don't let the EVF discourage you as the EVFs in the Sony A7,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, when did the A7 get in the mix? I thought we were talking 
NEX. Year, I know Sony terminology is 
getting more incomprehensible than Dr Who. Still ...

The A7 body alone eats up 85% of the budget. They are talking lenses, but this 
is Sony, Dood! Only a 35/2.8 actually 
buyable as yet, with an exciting 55/1.8 promised this month. Wheeeee! The carry 
around zoom, 24-70/4, possibly actually 
available for summer, is shorter than the Fuji, and slower, and breaks the 
bank, at 145% of budget.

Yeah, I know, I'm a drag, actually trying to stick to the questions asked.

> Olympus EM1 and the XE2 are all essentially identical,
> but Fuji's just is so right. The smallness of the XE-2 makes it
> slightly less comfortable than the X1Pro, but everything else about it
> is just peachy. And then, to address the lens question, I would say
> that picking the Fuji BECAUSE of the lenses is reason enough. The fact
> that you get a brilliant sensor thrown in is almost secondary. But
> another aspect to this is B&W. The X-series is absolutely nailing it
> in digital B&W.

What good is a great sensor, for someone for whom the available lenses wouldn't 

I can't speak for Bill, beyond what he asked for. But it don't work for me.

And I actually buy and use some of this stuff. ;-)

Moose D'Opinion

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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