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Re: [OM] OT: I've retired

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: I've retired
From: Chris Trask <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 07:41:06 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
>Olympus friends:  Today is the first day of the rest of my life. As of 
>today, I have retired from my corporate IT job. I recently hit the sixty 
>year mark, so I'm a bit younger than the traditional American age. But 
>given the many changes that have taken place in the workplace in recent 
>years (he said, politely), it's time. Fortunately, we can do it.

     Congratulations are in order.  I still remember my sudden decision to 
retire more than 12 years ago, followed by a long period of "post-professional 
recovery".  I don't regret the decision at all, and have enjoyed indulging in 
more enjoyable activities since then.  The return to cycling is something I 
should have done many years ago as it gives me the exercise I need to keep me 
healthy and away from the American health care system (such as it is).  The 
occasional rigorous hiking was not sufficient.


When the going gets weird, the weird go pro 
     - Hunter S. Thompson
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