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Re: [OM] Squirrel Attack

Subject: Re: [OM] Squirrel Attack
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 08:19:18 -0600
Generally, no. I say that because if we are using a very high power launch
or raman amplification, a nearby splice can melt down. Undersea cables have
their own issues. But for most fiber networks we are running amps every
80-100km or so. Those small multi-door concrete row buildings that you see
along railroad tracks, behind tall fences aren't mini prisons, they're amp
sites along long-haul fiber routes. Typically, they have a bunch of other
cables passing by and spliced in at handholes at the fence line. Don't get
any wild ideas--they are monitored 24/7 with video, sound and several other
types of security. It is a federal crime to screw with this stuff. Most low
lifes leave our stuff alone. Backhoe Fade is our biggest problem. Never
underestimate the ability of Backhoe Bubba to find your cable.

My favorite is the mower. A farmer was mowing his ditches along the road
and wiped out one of those metal boxes sticking out of the ground. Took out
a 12 fiber splice just like that. Then he did the other side of the road
and wiped out a 200 pair copper cable. There were shreds of cable, copper
and fiber everywhere. Made a huge racket, but just kept going. Whacked a
total of three. Unfortunately, that one severed major transportation
industry circuits and brought almost two hundred trains to a halt. Oops.

On Saturday, December 28, 2013, Mike Lazzari wrote:

> >   I was involved in the placement of a 768 fiber. It still fits in a
> > standard duct. Barely.
> Just curious. Any heat issues with large fiber bundles? With ac current
> there are % fill limits.

Ken Norton
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