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[OM] Computer Help

Subject: [OM] Computer Help
From: Tina Manley <images@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 12:48:42 -0500

I just installed a new 3GB hard drive in my Just a Bunch of Disks box.
 Windows 7 will not allow me to allocate the whole 3GB.  I know some is
needed for indexing, etc., but they are keeping 745.52GB as Unallocated.  I
don't have a Raid or any other system.   It's just a bunch of disks in a

Is there any way I can use Disk Management to allocate more of the 3GB?  I
hate to waste 745 GB that could be holding photos!!

I've searched and only find incomprehensible (to me) Microsoft documents
that don't tell me a thing.



Tina Manley
http:// <http://tina-manley.artistwebsites.com/>www.tinamanley.com
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