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Re: [OM] Shutter shock, VF lag, E-M1 vs. E-M5?

Subject: Re: [OM] Shutter shock, VF lag, E-M1 vs. E-M5?
From: Peter Klein <pklein@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2013 18:38:15 -0800
Hello, Moose!  You there?  Good.

Moose wrote:
 > I personally have as yet experienced no distortion of images with the 
ES. The mechanical shutter is, of course,
 > available at any speed, so may be used outside the 1/60-1/200 range. 
I've set up an Fn key to switch quickly.

Could you double-check that range for the electronic shutter?  I can't 
seem to find it online.  If it can't go any slower than 1/60, that's 
lame. Especially since a lot of the "artificial light" banding issues 
people keep complaining about would go away if they just shot at 1/30.  
Florescent lights may be on or off when you shoot at >1/60.  I suspect 
cheap LEDs that use half-wave rectifiers would do the same.  I can only 
imagine these folks' chagrin when they try to photograph their TV sets 
or computer monitors.

I like to photograph my friends who play classical concerts, so a silent 
electronic shutter would be a godsend for me. No more waiting for loud 
passages.  But at least 1/30 and 1/15 is also sometimes necessary in 
that environment.  I hope Olympus adopts an electronic shutter, too.  It 
strikes me that it could be implemented as a firmware update.  Although 
who knows if they will make it available to an older model.

Oh, and thanks for the tip on the higher refresh rate for the E-M5 
viewfinder. I've put that into my standard settings.

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