It's good to know one's limitations.
The standing joke around here is the unemployability and total lack of ambition
of Steiner School kids who've spent their entire school career being told how
wonderful they are. the first time an employer tells them that they're not,
they quite in pique.
I look forward to the future version of the Oscars which ensures that at least
50% of the members of the movie community get some kind of award (the ed Wood
Award for Inspirational Finance Raising) and the ceremony lasts about 4 months.
I believe that one of the awards (Emmy's?) already has an off-Broadway kind of
event to cover the awards that no-one wants to watch.
I think my point is that no-one really gives a damn about all the dross awards
- we just want to see the people who really have achieved something.
I once gave a student an award for being 'Most Consistently Out of Uniform'.
She thought it quite funny. But it did not change her behaviour either way.
Andrew Fildes
The SLR Compendium:
revised edition -
The TLR Compendium
On 04/12/2013, at 6:48 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> mostly old-poop curmudeons and blowhards who gainsay positive reinforcement
> taken to extremes. I know because I am both and because I do it, too.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: