The classic guide was written by one Eric Blair, better known as George Orwell.
It is to be found on the web.
Personally? - filtered water (0.5 micron carbon cartridge), loose English
Breakfast tea. I'd use Yorkshire Tea if I could get it. The tea is hit by
boiling water while in a warm vessel (unlike coffee, it doesn't brew properly
at temperatures much below boiling). Five minutes. Milk and sugar are optional
- i use both. Raw (brown) sugar and a splash of unhomogenised full fat (4%)
milk. Cream? That sounds vile as is UHT 'milk'. fat reduced milk (it's only 4%
for gawd's sake) ad either soy or rice milk.
This is serious business.
The worst I've had recently was on a cross channel ferry where they provided me
with a cup of tepid water and a tea bag separately with a little thingy of UHT
milk. When I queried it, I was informed that boiling water was impossible
because of health and safety regulations. But they were French and knew no
better. I made my point by sticking my finger in the water and holding it
there. They were unimpressed, even though I know the French for 'disgusting'
and 'annoying' and used it.
Andrew Fildes
The SLR Compendium:
revised edition -
The TLR Compendium
On 27/11/2013, at 11:05 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> Now, despite Andrew's assertions to the contrary, I prefer my tea hot, with
> no sugar and a dollop of milk or cream. Of course I don't have cakes or
> biscuits, and it's not a centuries old cultural tradition, but I still enjoy
> a good cup of tea, and availed myself of it while in the UK, when I wasn't
> drinking beer. (Most of the B&Bs we used did not serve beer for breakfast.
> One, I suspect, would have if I'd asked.)
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