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Re: [OM] Turntable Ferry

Subject: Re: [OM] Turntable Ferry
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 10:22:45 -0400
Thanks for the info. I was just repeating what the captain and mate said. Maybe 
it was just a ploy to get more donations to keep their jobs in play. <g> It was 
the pronunciation of the ferry that stymied me. I need another month or so over 
there so I can take some classes in Gaelic pronunciation. I know there are 
published guides out there, but I need to have someone standing in front of me 
with a stick to whack me with in order to get it down.

--Bob Whitmire
Registered Neanderthal

On Sep 30, 2013, at 9:20 AM, Piers Hemy wrote:

> As to the pronunciation, my lips are sealed, but you shouldn't make it
> unduly hard, as Kylerhea is just the anglicisation of the Gaelic name Caol
> Reatha. There, that makes it much simpler, no?

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