Thanks! I was a little surprised at how well CS6 stitched 12 images together.
Admittedly, I did not vary the image field by more than about 25-30 percent in
each shot, so maybe there was a surfeit of information to work with.
--Bob Whitmire
Registered Neanderthal
On Sep 24, 2013, at 9:38 PM, Moose wrote:
> On 9/21/2013 6:17 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
>> My very first pano ever. Shot with Fuji X-100s, 12 handheld exposures.
>> Converted to black & white in Silver Effex Pro. Not a prize winner by any
>> stretch of the imagination, but then this is my _first_ pano. Stitched in
>> CS6.
> That has worked rather well. Seamless, natural looking exposure across it,
> and manages to convey breadth without making
> my eyes feel like something is unnatural.
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