The HDD and SSD are organised as Raid0 as one logical C: drive of a
nominal 532GB. (Well not quite that simple, there are some other small
protected partitions for Recovery, swap, etc.) This gives a big speed
increase but not quite as much as by dedicating the SSD to the OS.
This is a new concept to me so I only understand the first few
paragraphs of what I find in Wikipedia etc.
On 25/06/2013, Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Is the SSD the boot drive?
> Chuck Norcutt
> On 6/25/2013 12:56 PM, Jez Cunningham wrote:
>> Rather a spur-of-the-moment thing but John Lewis (department store across
>> UK) had a clearance and I plumped for an ex-demo laptop.
>> It's an HP Envy 4-1103ea which means it's an 'ultrabook' (read: no DVD
>> built-in) and has a touch screen, a 3rd-gen i5 processor, 8GB ram, a 500GB
>> harddrive and a 32GB SSD. Sockets include HDMI to drive second monitor and
>> USB 2 and USB3. Of course built-in WiFi and Bluetooth but also WiDi (look
>> it up!)
>> And Win8. If it hadn't been for the touchscreen I'd probably have gone
>> back to Win7 but I'm slowly learning Win8 (in other words I'm learning how
>> to make it look like Win7 :-)
>> I'm waiting for my external DVD to come from Amazon so I have some stuff I
>> can't install yet, but I'm having fun playing with it :-)
>> End of news bulletin.
>> Jez
>> (for enquiring minds £595 with 3-yr guarantee)
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