And I have a cranky female neighbor who complains about the noise made
by the lid on the squirrel feeder makes when the sqirrel drops it after
getting a nut. It is mounted on the fence at the property line. Of
course, it is also about 10 feet or so from her bedroom window. But she
complains about almost everything, anyway. LOL I get to wishing for an
old Harley every once in a while.
Paul in Portland OR
On 6/15/2013 3:03 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> Every morning just before sunrise, whenever that might fall, a fisherman I
> know fires up his diesel in the cove down below our house. He's maybe a
> quarter-mile away, and at first I was annoyed, but now I find it comforting.
> I know Glen's in his boat, God's in His Heaven, and all is well. (So far.)
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