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[OM] Beers and dinosaurs of Utah

Subject: [OM] Beers and dinosaurs of Utah
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 22:11:54 -0400 (EDT)
Returned a couple weeks ago from Utah though only processed a few and 
scanned one roll.
Had not been there in many moons and many towns were dry.  A few 
microbreweries have sprung up.
Found one brew of moderate note in my modest sample size:


Poured very dark, Italian roast like;  deep,  dark, mysterious. Redish 
tones if held up to the light. Head was beige and about a fingers 
breath and left some lacing.
Aroma is impressive with dark roasted malt,  chocolate overtones, very 
mellow.  If scored by observation and olfaction only  would be 
Upon drinking, leaves an impression of being  bit too light to the 
palate for this style. Roasted malt, nuttiness, sliver of chocolate but 
overall too thin.  Still very enjoyable considering the other options.  
Mitt's favorite brew I wonder?

The geologic formations were impressive and did get a few shots form 
horseback even if it turned icy cold and snowed on us. On the way to 
the B&B we drove through Hanksville and I had to be cajoled back into 
the car.  No one else really liked the town.
Here are the few others I got to--perhaps just do a quick slideshow.


Warming up  back in New England, go figure,  Mike

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